captain of industry


captain of industry 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the head of a large business firm, especially of an industrial complex.

captain of industry 近义词

captain of industry

等同于 magnate

captain of industry

等同于 tycoon

captain of industry

等同于 industrialist

captain of industry 的近义词 4
captain of industry

等同于 big name

更多captain of industry例句

  1. He flew with Captain Irianto, 53, who had 20,000 hours experience, more than 6,000 hours on the A320.
  2. The Lion Air captain had left his rookie copilot to make the landing until he realized he was in trouble.
  3. My captain on the boat, Brazakka, he wanted me to do this Hemingway bit, with the white stubble, and he wanted the hero angle.
  4. My nickname was Captain, though I was a private, first class.
  5. The fashion industry could never, would never, state its exclusion of black models overtly.
  6. C was a Captain, all covered with lace; D was a drunkard, and had a red face.
  7. Being quieted by the Captain with a draught of cold tea, and made to sit down, the examination of the book proceeded.
  8. He sat glum and thoughtful, his mind in unproductive travail, until the captain was announced.
  9. This Captain Kirton was really the best of the Kirton bunch: a quiet, unassuming young man, somewhat delicate in health.
  10. Harry had no further adventures in reaching Fulton, and at once reported to Captain Duffield, who was in command of the post.